API Usage & Docs

This page will guide you on how to properly use the API and what data it provides you.

Fetching the API

The API currently has six endpoints: /world/<world_uuid>, /world/random, /page/<index>, /top/<number>, /owner/<player_uuid>, /search/<query>, and /all

/world/<world_uuid> retrieves the data for the world with the specified UUID.

/world/random retrieves the data for a random world

/page/<index> retrieves the data for the 27 worlds in the specified page index. (Imagine a chest with 27 items)

/top/<number> retrieves the data for the top <number> worlds.

/search/<query> retrieves the data for the worlds that their name closely matches the query.

/top/0 retrieves the data for all worlds, sorted from the top-ranked to the lowest-ranked.

/owner/<player_uuid> retrieves the data for each world made by the specified owner.

/all retrieves the data for all worlds, sorted by the most recently updated.

There are also 2 optional arguments for the /all, /search/<query>, /page/<index>, and /owner/<player_uuid> endpoints.

These are:

?sort - Sorts the world list depending on the value given.

Options: default|votes|visits|recently_scraped|recently_created. Defaults to default (Online worlds, then player count, then votes)

?sortDirection - Sorts the direction of the world list depending on the value given.

Options: ascending|descending.

Defaults to ascending

You can use https://api.legitimoose.net/ to call the API


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Reading the data

The data is structured differently depending on what endpoint you called, but the world data will always stay the same structure.

Calling /world/<uuid> returns a single object containing the world's data, while calling any of the other three will return an array of worlds.

Each world is structured like this:

Higlighting syntax...
  • "world_uuid" - The world's UUID.

  • "name" - The world's name in plaintext.

  • "description" - The world's description in plaintext.

  • "raw_name" - The world's name in Raw JSON Text Component format, preserving styling.

  • "raw_description" - The world's description in Raw JSON Text Component format, preserving styling.

  • "icon" - The world's item icon in item ID form, including the namespace.

  • "votes" - The world's vote count.

  • "visits" - The world's visit count.

  • "player_count" - The current player count in the world.

  • "owner_uuid" - The UUID of the world's owner.

  • "creation_date" - The creation date of the world as a string (PST timezone)

  • "creation_date_unix_seconds" - The creation date of the world in UNIX seconds

  • "resource_pack_url" - The download URL for the world's resource pack from https://mc-packs.net/. An empty string if the world has no resource pack.

  • "version" - The world's version (for warning purposes only; does not affect the actual version).

  • "locked" - Indicates whether the world is online and running.

  • "enforce_whitelist" - Indicates whether the world has a whitelist enforced.

  • "whitelist_on_version_change" - Indicates whether the whitelist-on-version-change setting is enabled.

  • "last_scraped" - The unix timestamp of the world's last scrape by our bot.